Monday, March 7, 2011

28 Week update & shopping news!

**Edited to add: Clearly I am losing my ever loving mind... I did not title this post before publishing it... Dearest baby girl, stop eating my brain, there is more than enough fat you can snack on. Thank you, Love Momma**

Hello Everyone!!!

I feel like I need to re-introduce myself, I have been out of the blogasphere for quite some time now. My apologies, mommy just got a little busy. We have been so busy as a family & I know it is probably going to be this way until the baby gets here. I have been taking weekly trips to Goodwill & consignment shops trying to get my hands on some good deals. The boys are doing WONDERFUL, they are growing up so quickly. I need to do a post soon that is completely dedicated to them. They say & do some of the cutest things ever. It is hard though for me to get any pictures of them, they are nudist. I think they come by it naturally, I am pretty much anti-pants if it's just us here at the house.

I want to update everyone & for my records on the pregnancy. So with out further ado, here is this weeks highlights!

How Far along: 28 weeks 4 days

Size of the baby: Squash Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb. (7 months)

Total Gain/Loss: I'm not sure, I don't think I have gained very much yet.
I know when the water retention begins Momma will get F.A.T!

Maternity Clothes: Yes

Gender: It's a Girl!! We finally decided on a name, Neeley Kayt.
(If you ask me how to pronounce her middle then you need basic letter pronunciation skills. Sound it out... AND no "T" does not make the sound "Tee" it makes the sound "Ta" )
I signed her name on a birthday card this week so, it's that official. hah!

Movement: Girlfriend is a mover & a shaker. She can really get wound up & kick for hours!

Sleep: I cannot complain, I do have a little insomnia from time to time.

Cravings: Cherry Sprite! We are getting married so, save the date!

Today because I am a "Mom-to-be" I was able to hit up the Rhea Lana sale in Rogers. I have had more success finding things in the Springfield sale even though it is like 1/8 the size of the NWA sale. There were so many clothes on racks, you could not even move them to look. I do not need anything that bad to work that hard. I also did not have any luck with the bigger boys clothes. I don't really dress the boys in dress clothes or polo's & that is basically all there was. I did get some cute things for Neeley & I have put some pictures below. I am really too cheap for some sales. I really cringe at paying $4.00+ for anything that doesn't have a tag on it. The entire time I was thinking "At the right garage sale, I could find this for a dollar." Garage sales have ruined me my friend, I love the challenge of finding a good buy & I cannot wait for it to warm up. There will be another RL sale in April in Springfield, they are much more organized & you can actually look. There were seriously HUNDREDS of pregnant ladies there tonight, visibly pregnant women.
Here are my adorable findings.

2 pairs of shoes- both were $3.00 a piece & brand new

This is the pattern to my new FAVORITE dress. My mom has a dash hound that I have always called "sister dog." I saw this & had to have it, it's quite possibly the cutest thing ever!

Some how while shopping I picked both of these adorable very cherry Carter's pieces out. The one on the right is a onesie/pant set that was $4.00 & the one on the right is a ruffled butt onesie that was $3.00NWT. Both from different sellers & different parts of the rack. It got a good laugh when I was going through my finds, evidently I like cherries.

This was a set in itself, it is a strawberry sleeper, strawberry onesie/pant set & berry hat for $4.50. I clearly have a thing for fruit.

Here is the "new favorite set" on the right. It's is sooo darling I cannot wait to see her in it. It was also my splurge item, I debated & debated on buying it. My decision is quite obvious, it's is Gymboree set that I paid $7.00 for. It was too cute to pass on. On the left is the hearts Gymboree dress with bloomers, I paid $4.00 for it. It is also very cute.

Here is a NB dress that is handmade. I was able to snatch it up for $3.00. This does not look too difficult, so I am going to try my hand at making one of these myself.

On the right is a Carters Ruffle bottom outfit with little sweater, I think I paid $5.00 for it. I normally would not pay quite that much but it is very cute. On the right is a Carter's sleeper set that I paid $3.0o for, it matches a blanket that we bought a while back.

These are 3 Carter's onesies that are 6M that I got for $3.00 I loved the little mommy/baby zebra one & couldn't pass it up.

Last but not least I got my hands on 2 Razorback pieces. On the right is a sweet but simple Hogs dress with bloomers. I paid $4.00 for it. I am going to try and find some cute ribbon & make a bow to match this. On the right is onesie that says "Future Cheerleader" & I won't lie, hopefully someday that will be true. I am going to get some rhinestones & tulle to make a tutu to go with this & girlify (My own word thankyouverymuch!) it a little more. I paid $3.00 for it.

I think I did pretty good, I annoyed Jake by making him look at every piece & comment. He said that I "don't even need the light on" because he would say it's all "wonderful honey." I think the next time he asks me for my opinion on a classic car or a boat I will tell him "wonderful honey" & see how he likes it. :)

I have another ultrasound on Thursday & doctors appointment. She said that we might schedule the C-Section then, but I have a feeling that it will all change right at the end. It always seems to be that way & I am infamous for complicated pregnancies. I will post & keep y'all updated!

All my love,


  1. I LOVE consignment sales! There is one here in a month that I just can't wait for. I won't need much clothes wise, a friend is sending me three BOXES of boy clothes! Love it!

    I love the strawberries...I have a thing for fruit too.

  2. my previous comment didnt post :( so the short version of it is, I love her name, the clothes and you!!!

    dang computer!
