Monday, March 28, 2011

Cleaning... is it really necessary?

Many of you that follow me on Twitter or if we're friends on Facebook, then you've seen my cries. The majority of the time I absolutely despise cleaning. I would become a filthy rich Momma if I could invent a "self cleaning house." Don't get me wrong, I like my house to be clean, I just don't want to do it myself. I have before mentioned that I wished "nesting" was like a permanent disorder. Why can't I want to clean? It's so pathetic that I sometimes have to buy new cleaners or laundry soaps just to give me a little inspiration to clean. 

No, we do not live in a pig sty, but sometimes it gets a little messy. My laundry piles up, A LOT books & toys get stung about and shoes get left out. I can say though, for the most part unless I am sick or really busy my dishes stay done. That is the one thing that I do not like, dirty dishes & I don't mind doing dishes. My bathroom gets neglected, toilet paper rolls miss the trashcan & lay around, laundry piles up yet again and I leave my stuff laying around on the counters. 

Now, let me be clear, it never takes me more than a couple of hours to completely clean my house; that is if I stick to it. I just have a bad habit of loading the dishwasher & then checking Facebook, sticking a load of laundry in & then checking Twitter, picking up all the toys & then getting side tracked making lunch. Like now, I could be vacuuming but I'm sitting here blogging.

My Twitter friend Melissa (@lipstickbliss  <--You should follow her if you do not already, shes a hoot!) blogged the other day about her cleaning products. So since I am cleaning today I figured I would do the same. 

L to R: Cascasde Action packs, Lysol Disinfecting wipes, Lysol Toilet bowl cleaner with Bleach, Method Multi-purpose cleaner, Method Anti-bacterial cleaner, Vinegar (way in the back), Era, Shout. 

Most of those are pretty self explanatory, I will though profess my love for a few of them & tell you about a couple I didn't photograph.

Cascade: Like I said I like doing dishes, it's about the only thing I like to do that is cleaning related. I love the little 'Action packs' because I am a slacker & refuse to pre-wash dishes. I do rinse them off, but I am not going to scrub them & what not. They really get my dishes clean, I have tried numerous other brands & types, they just don't hold a flame to the Cascade brand. 

Lysol: Something have to be bleached, our toilet is one. With 3 men & a Momma who had (thankfully past tense) fierce morning sickness, the toilet has to be clean. Nothing like your head in the toilet to realize that men have terrible aim. 'Nuff said!

Method: I really REALLY love these products. Not only do they give me a reason to head to target, they work. They are all natural, so they are safe to have around the boys. If one of the wild chillens grab hold & squirt 1/2 a bottle I know they will be safe. (Except I might be a little pissed that they wasted it, it won't hurt them.) I use the disinfecting one about every 2 days & the regular multi-purpose cleaner in between. 

Vinegar: It's a wonderful cleaner mixed 50:50 with water & is a miracle worker when it comes to laundry. I use a lot of vinegar.

Era & Shout: First I am in love with the smell of Era & equally in love with the price. Jake is a mechanic, that mean only one thing, DIRT & GREASE! Jace & Bri are messy, dirty little boys- Era really does a wonderful job getting all the stains out. Not to mention I could blissfully live in a world that smelled like Era. (It could be boarder line obsession.) I could not live without Shout! Like I said the boys are messy & honestly, I am a bit of a kluts as well. I tend to only drop red colored food on white shirts, it's annoying. Shout saves our clothes, I hate stains!! 

Not pictured:

Swiffer duster: It does it's job with the least amout of effort. It's a win/win situation. 

This bad girl is like Rosie Jetson around here. This is my Shark Deluxe steam mop & we are madly in love. She makes mopping a total breeze! She also only cleans with water, no harsh chemicals. The steam gets REAL hot, I have to mop with socks cause I am afraid I will burn my feet. My floor sparkle when I am done, I just pull the mop head off & throw the cloth in the washer. I would highly recommend a Shark Steam cleaner to anyone & everyone. It was worth every single penny. Mine came with 3 different attachment & 2 cleaning cloths for each head. There is a cheaper model that is not two sided, but I love the deluxe. When I bought mine Bed Bath & Beyond had a 20% coupon for signing up an e-mail address, so I save a little with that. 

While cleaning may be necessary, that doesn't mean I do not loath it sometimes. I have had spurts of nesting & I take FULL advantage of them. Too bad nesting won't stick around forever :( Here's an idea: How about I just sell a bunch of stuff & I would have a lot to clean & less laundry to do. Too bad I have a weird attachment to almost everything. If I'm not attached to it's probably already gone, like most of my husband stuff. *evil laugh* 

So my only advice is loud music, sunshine & open windows can do amazing things for motivation. That my friend is the 'dirty' to my cleaning. And one day when I'm rich I will be paying someone to do all of it, too bad the kids will be gone by then. *sigh*

Happy Scrubbing! 

*Lastly a side note: I want everyone to note what an idiot I am. I am normally on top of upgrades & newer versions. I think I am the only person who get excited when Twitter or Facebook changes something. I love the #newtwitter with a passion & Facebook too. Back to why I am a idiot, well... I have been using the really old version of posting here on Blogger. The other day I was asking a friend how to slash something out. Well dingbat, if you had the new Blogger it would be right at the top. No worries though, I do believe that I am up to date, just in time for something else to change. :) 


  1. I agree, I hate cleaning 90% of the time. *sigh* What gives?

    Yes, that is why I couldn't see it at the top. I felt really stupid after I realized what was going on. I do really like the new publisher though (if that is what it is called).

    And I really like Disqus, you should get it for your blog(s).

  2. Ugh! I tried cleaning with vinegar once and could NOT get past the smell... Never again! I just can't bring myself to do it! I mix bleach and water instead...

    LOVE the Lysol toilet bowl cleaner! And Gain is my favorite scent! Love doing laundry just to smell it... Even if the clothes just pile up on the chair or sit in the dryer for two days. :-)

    I think I have an obsession with purchasing cleaning supplies... Of all things...

  3. I am allergic to Gain :( I don't mind the smell it goes away soon enough. If I used bleach & water all my clothes would be spotted. I would have it all over myself.

    I go through phases where I like laundry then it piles up for a week or two. ha!

    I also have an obsession with purchasing cleaning supplies. When I bought the method & was purchasing on impulse. HAHA
