Friday, January 7, 2011


Well another week has FLOWN by, I just don't get it. When I found out I was pregnant for the third (and probably last) time, I told my self "I am going to savor this." Unfortunately it has flown by unlike the last two where I was so eager for every single milestone like trimesters, movement, ultrasounds, all of that stuff. If I was not sick & only experienced the "fun" things of pregnancy I would stay pregnant forever :)

I cannot believe that I am over half way done. Considering I will have a repeat C-section I think baby will be here around 37-38 weeks. B was 9.1 when he was born & I don't thing the doctor wants to see another half grown child coming from my uterus.

Guys, I am sorry I DID clean my mirror but it obviously doesn't look like it. Also for some reason I cannot take a picture of myself in the mirror without it being blurry, guess that is why photography is only a hobby. ha!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 18 Weeks
Size of baby: The size of a cantaloupe, 10.6 ounces & 6.5 inches
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 1 lbs (STILL! Don't worry come 30 weeks to delivery I would BA-LOON!)
Maternity Clothes: I am still able to fit into all my regular clothes, baby K is riding super high so the I can still fit into my "fat jeans"
Gender: Big Reveal planned for January 13th-- 6 DAYS!!!
Movement: I have felt some on my bladder if baby is turned just right.
Sleep: Not so grand definitely could be better!!!
What I miss: Sleeping through the night without having to get up and pee. I have had to wake up numerous time (up to 4 times a night not including the last pee before bed & the morning pee) since before I knew I was actually pregnant. I was probably 2 weeks when it started.
Cravings: MILK! And my Grandpa Noland's Pineapple pie... *drools*

Also: I can still sleep on my stomach thanks to my memory foam mattress.

You all should know that I am a girl that love me some gambling, I prefer the dice game of 'Craps.' You better believe that I am good at it too ;) So how about a little betting, I would say gamble for moolah but I am poor folk. I have a feeling that it is a girl but I did with Brily as well. I am hoping for a girl & a lot of people have said girl, including the man that dropped the load off himself. Yes, that was probably not the best way to refer to my baby daddy but you know me.

All my love,


  1. Hahaha! I LOVE the way you referred to baby daddy! I might have to borrow that! Lol

  2. "I don't think the doctor wants to see another half grown child coming from my uterus."

    ROFL!!! Cracked me up! You look adorable &...I LOVE Craps!!!! :)
