Saturday, November 20, 2010

Papa Steve

Today marks 4 years since Papa Steve went to Heaven. Papa Steve as I often refer to him (because I want the boys to know their Papa even though they may not see him.) is Jakes father. He passed away without warning 4 years ago today. My husband was 23, it is so hard to lose your father at any age, but to lose him so young is more that I can imagine.

We had just found out we were pregnant with Jace & he was so excited. I remember showing him our first ultrasound images and he jumped up quickly and ran to his room & returned with the images. Images were taken when he got his colonoscopy for comparison. Yes, he compared our fetus to his colon, but that was just the kind of guy that he was. He had a personality that I could never explain. He was such a hoot, he would make a entire pie & taunt me with it. He would take it to his room to eat it all & come back out after he had eat about 4 pieces complain of a stomach ache. When he made spaghetti he made enough to feed the county. His life motto very easily been "The bigger the better!" I would write for days about the different stories I would love to share or that have been shared with me. He left a legacy that won't be washed away anytime soon.

Even though he is no longer with us, we still think about him all the time. My husband reminds me so much of his dad sometimes. Just the other night Jakes mom came over late & was leaving. She went in to tell Jake goodbye & he was sleeping. She came out with tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe how much Jake reminded her of his dad.

Papa was a really great guy, crazy but wonderful! Four years seems like an eternity but we will see him again someday. I am certain he will be waiting at the gates of Heaven with a big o' pot of Spaghetti!

All our love Papa Steve!

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