Thursday, November 18, 2010

ManCard Removal :)

I love my husband dearly & we all know that you give a little & you take a little in a relationship.
But there is one thing that drives me C-R-A-Z-Y! I cannot help it... Honestly....

My husbands feet, now before you laugh and call me dramatic let me explain. His feet are horrible, he was a former football player & he is a manly man. He
despises lotion, I often taunt him by giving the boys lotion & telling them to rub it on daddy. I'm certain his blood pressure goes up, he begins to sweat & worries about the greasy feeling that the lotion will leave behind. So his feet are scaley, like a.... DINOSAUR! I know that the dryness has to be itchy. They sweat when he wears boots & smell like death. He digs at this ingrown toenails, & has this ONE toenail that I cannot put into words how bad it is. It is funky, like I gag & heave when I look at it. It is not flat like a normal toenail it is comes to a point, like if you were to look at the end of his toe it would look like a mini pyramid on his toenail. Allow me to illustrate...
It's HORRID! He likes to taunt me by rubbing his feet on me if I sit near him or if I am asleep he will rub his feet on my legs. It really makes me want to go postal. And the ironic thing is that he has a little bit of a phobia for nasty feet, mainly women with manly feet. I on the other hand have very pretty, polished, moisturized feet.

**After writing this the other night, my dear husband was sitting in the recliner complaining about his dry, itchy feet. He picked up a train track that goes to the boys' Thomas track and began to scratch his feet. I almost died!!! He has resorted to scratching his feet with our children's toys. This has got to stop!!!!!

So I have been wondering, what should I do about this problem. Well I am going to take my butt scratching, burly bearded, lotion hating, man card wearing, hillbilly of a husband to get a PEDICURE!!!! It's going to be his Christmas present, it will be husband and wife bonding. I just hope he doesn't read this and kill me in the mean time.


  1. I CANNOT stand Jonathan's feet. Not only do I already have a phobia of feet (yet enjoy giving pedicures) but his feet are uglier than sin. AND he has to scratch them constantly! At first we thought it was AF but no medication worked and nobody else ever got it. It's just a damn habit for him and it is definitely in one of the top three things that annoy me the most about him.

    I will pray for your sanity! Lol

    Good luck with getting him to go for the pedicure.

  2. Jake scratches his all the time too! And no one in the house has got AF from him either. I think it is just sooooo dry it's itchy. I know I have to put lotion on every night!!! I am not going to tell him what I am doing :) We're just going to show up & tell him that it is already paid for :)
