Monday, November 15, 2010

Epic ManCold of 2010

If you have a husband that has ever had a cold then you know exactly how epic they become. My husband could win a Oscar for his role. Cough, cough, moan, groan, waller around in bed as if they are dying. I even went as far this year to refrain from kissing my main squeeze for almost 2 weeks because I didn't want to catch it.

But this year I jinxed myself. Last Thursday after more than enough time for the Epic ManCold to pass I make the mistake of opening my mouth. I walk into the kitchen where the almost healed Man makes his dinner & sarcastically say "Look at me & my A-M-A-Z-I-N-G immune system" then I mockingly kiss my muscles & rub my chest. "I successfully avoided contamination from the Epic ManCold" I laugh and head on my merry way.

Skip forward to Saturday morning when I wake up with what seems like a nagging little chest cold. I start praying then "Dear Lord, I got a huge favor & I hope you aren't messing with me here. I cannot be getting this ManCold, I am Momma & I have FAR too many responsibilities to be sick. Amen" Yes, THAT nagging chest cold has turned into the the EPIC MOMMACOLD of 2010.

That MommaCold, it is in FULL swing, coughing, sore throat, congested chest, you know all of the above. But unlike the ManCold I have to go on, I have babes to raise & dishes to do.

I feel like my hands are tied because I am pregnant and cannot take large amounts of cough & cold medicine. I am very limited to what I can take & that is unfortunate. I am popping cough drops like they are candy & drink Orange Juice like it spiked; all with the best intentions of getting better soon!

Until next time I am off to hack up a lung, good thing I have 2 of them.


  1. Haha! I love you Whit! So much for kissing those muscles, huh?

  2. chicken soup, vicks vaporub and lots of liquids. i hope you feel better soon because there is nothing worse than being sick when you are pregnant!
