Friday, December 17, 2010

Favorite Things of 2010

Yes, I made this myself... although I'm not sure how to link or share... Someone want to help me out here??

Well, corny blog party it will be!!!! These are just a few of my favorite things from 2010. They range from baby products, foods, social networks & nail polishes. It's all about you lurrrve for things!

Let it be known that I am NOT being prompted, or compensated for telling you about these products. I don't wanna get my ass in trouble.

My other boyfriend er... I ment TWITTER, it needs no introduction. If you are not following me @jwkloss that is simply your loss... LOSER :)

That tweet little bird has my heart, I could not live without twitter. If you don't not understand this madness is it because you are lame & haven't experienced "Twitter" yet. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON! Go, GO, GO!! You'll thank me someday.

Y'all I could not live with out Huggies Supreme wipes...

Lets be honest here, Big toddlers + BIG poops=HUGE MESSES requiring Huggies Supreme. Those little puny "sensitive" wipes are for the birds. 80 wipes for one diaper is not being 'green'

If you know me, you know that I have some big ole' poofy hair. An afro to be exact, except that isn't currently in style. When it is, expect me to be cashing in! So that being said I cannot live with out Chi Silk Infusion.

I put it on wet hair or dry hair. I really lurrrve this stuff!!

Oh Nutella, how I love thee, you complete me in the most best possible way. You smooth, creamy hazelnutty spread. *Wipes screen*

Lord have mercy, what couldn't you put this stuff on? I personally enjoy cramming my finger to the bottom and licking it off. Or is mighty fine on a Peanut Butter & Banana sandwich.

We are po' fok (and obviously hillbillies as well) but when we said our goodbyes and parted ways with dish network & heelllooo to $100 extra bucks a month I splurged. I signed up for Netflix & I am quite pleased with my decision.

Thank heavens Netflix has Seasons 1, 2 & 3 of Backyardigans or I might have been writing this from a ward. It also has a bajillion documentaries & I am a sucker for those things.

And the root of all evil or maybe I should just say the taker of our moolah, HOB LOB! Gosh I could spend ALL day and EVERY penny to my name in there!

I guess I am naturally a crafty person *ahem* I seem to enjoy making/growing babies. Whoopsie, back on subject Hobby Lobby, there is a endless amount thing I want to buy in there. It's a good thing the nearest one is 45 minutes away.

Oh gosh, how could I post a "Favorites" post with out mentioning my beloved ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS!!!!! Whooo Pig Sooie!

They have had an amazing football season & will be playing come January in the SUGAR BOWL!!!! So, if anyone has an extra two grand to foot the bill, I'd love to go ;)

Oh My Word, NAIL POLISH!!!! Seriously I need an intervention. Neely is completely to blame for this, I would have some scraggly, half bitten nails if it were not for her.

My favorite polish color is 'You don't know Jaques' It's just splendid!

And last but by no means least,

These guys! My best boys & my loving husband.

**Edited to add: I am going to make this a weekly affair. You know a guilty pleasure :) Different topic every Friday! It will give us something to look forward to, you know like corn in your poo... (I did just say that HA! Woo diddly!)

1 comment:

  1. Now I know why we're best friends! We are too much alike! Minus Twitter... It's only looked through when I'm really bored and have nothing else to do. Lol You Loser!

    Only I just recently discovered Chi Silk Infusion last month and I LOVE it!!!
